There are a lot of misconceptions about what insurance companies take into consideration when calculating your car insurance premium. Among a long list of rating factors, here is a list of a few variables insurers rate for.
Garaging Location
Average Mileage
Vehicle: Age, make, model, and company experience history are some factors that affect how expensive a vehicle is to insure. It is always a good idea to contact your insurance agent to quote a new vehicle before purchasing.
Claim history: Claim frequency and total amount of claims paid out in the last 3 years (even if you were not at fault)
Violations: Slow down!
Insurance score: Companies us a score comprised your credit history along with a number of other factors that vary between each company. You can contact Lexis Nexis to order your consumer report.
Be sure to read our last post 15 Auto Insurance Discounts to find out how to lower your car insurance premium.